Shaving Cream Easter Eggs Use an ordinary product to decorate an entire batch of marbleized shaving cream dyed Easter Eggs . It ’ s easier than it looks ! Use food coloring to create a design on a bed of plain shaving cream , then roll hard-boiled eggs over the surface to transfer the colors . Let the eggs dry , then gently clean to remove any excess shaving cream . Dyeing eggs with shaving cream is a fun activity for bunnies of all ages !
Editor ’ s Tip : If you ’ re planning to eat the eggs , make whipped cream dyed Easter eggs ! Simply substitute a packaged whipped cream for the shaving cream . If you make whip cream eggs , they should be safe to eat .
Rice-Dyed Eggs Chances are you ’ ve got everything you need in your pantry to make rice-dyed Easter eggs . Dyeing eggs with rice is as easy as dropping food coloring on rice and giving it a shake . Mix colors for a pretty speckled pattern and display your finished rice Easter eggs in a simple basket .
Natural Elements Eggs Turn to nature for colorful Easter egg ideas . Beets , purple cabbage , and turmeric combine with white vinegar to create rich yellows , blues , and pinks . After drying , decorate the eggs with natural objects , such as petals , leaves , and flowers , using a thin layer of matte-finish decoupage medium .
Checkered Dyed Eggs Inspired by a classic basketweave , these dyed Easter eggs have a modern two-tone effect . To create the pattern , apply vertical and horizontal lines of thin washi tape to hard boiled eggs . Dip once and let soak for about five minutes . Remove tape and repeat in a lighter shade of the same dye .
For 41 more FUN ways to decorate your Easter Eggs this Easter , visit Better Homes and Gardens by following this link https :// www . bhg . com / holidays / easter / eggs / quick-and-easy-easter-eggdecorations /