April May Guide 2021 | Page 7

Glenview Tennis Club


The Grove Interpretive Center is offering guided tours F-Su . Virtual and in-person programming is available . The Heritage Center at Historic Wagner Farm will remain closed at this time , except for registered programming . The grounds at each facility are open . Please see each facility ' s page in this guide for additional visitation guidelines .
Minimum Basic Operations Staff are required to stay home if they are ill or in contact with someone who is ill . Additionally , we ’ re avoiding close contact whenever possible . Our staff is providing the best experience possible given limitations .
Extra Enforcement of Hygiene Staff are upping their hand washing and frequently disinfecting common touch points .

Glenview Tennis Club

• Any players with any symptoms of COVID-19 should not play .
• The Tennis Club will be accessible by reservation only .
• Singles and doubles play are permitted .
• Group lessons , leagues , Permanent Court Time and Travel Team matches are running .
• Max of 25 spectators with limit of one from immediate household .
• Masks must be worn by everyone , both on and off the court . This includes singles play and private lessons .
• Exhaust fans and vents are used to provide fresh air .
• Players shall maintain adequate physical distancing between each other whenever not directly involved in gameplay .
• Avoid handshakes or high fives during play .
• Players should come to the facility no more than 10 minutes before the time expected to play .
• Players must sign in for contact tracing .
• Players may not congregate before or after playing tennis . Hand sanitizer or wipes are available at main contact points .
• Please bring your own water bottle as drinking fountains have been turned off . A bottle filler is available in the fitness area .
• Demo rackets and towels are not available .
• Advance reservations required . Cash payments are discouraged at this time .
• All doors , rails and high touch areas are wiped down every two hours .
• Common area chairs and tables have been placed at least 6-ft . apart to allow for social distancing .
• Locker rooms are closed . Bathrooms are accessible .