2021-2022 Memberships on Sale April 20
Member Benefits :
• Members pay less than nonmembers for court time , group lessons and adult special events .
• Program registration and court reservation priority .
• Eligible to obtain permanent reserved court time and participate in leagues and travel teams . We encourage all past members to renew online at glenviewparks . org . New members can purchase a membership using their household number online at glenviewparks . org . Sign up now !
Nonresident Adult $ 155 $ 240 Junior $ 75 $ 125 Family $ 310 $ 480 Senior $ 110 $ 180
2020-21 memberships are valid from June 1 , 2021 until May 31 , 2022 .
Permanent Court Times
Club members can purchase a permanent court time and play on the same court at the same time each week throughout the indoor season . If you are interested in learning more , stop by the Club or call 847-724-1570 . Note : Purchase a permanent court time during the club ’ s nonprime time ( 11 am-4 pm , M-F ) and pay just $ 22 per hour , a 33 % savings off the regular court rate !
Leagues for Adults
In-house Leagues : Placement in an in-house or travel league is subject to pro / staff approval . Leagues feature singles , doubles and mixed doubles play at a variety of ability levels .
Traveling Women ’ s Double League : Four courts of play Thursdays or Fridays . Play will be against neighboring park district clubs . Our tennis club offers A , AB , B and C levels .
Membership is required to participate in a league . Anyone interested in playing or subbing in a league next fall , contact Dorothy Carlson at dorothy . carlson @ glenviewparks . org .