April/May 2016 | Page 49

FIND YOUR TRUE HEALING This is where homeopathic remedies really help! Homeopathic remedies address different behavior patterns and personalities and their relationship to specific disorders that are individualistic for each remedy. So let’s look at some common ways that treatment can get started. This is the natural way to handle colds, food poisoning, nose draining, congestion etc. And while treating the common ailment, you could be treating a deeper yet more profound issue that will slowly but surely is being treated. With time, especially if your aware of the pattern creating the disorder within the body, the long term disorder gets interrupted and in result disease gets abated! But first, let me tell you a little bit about homeopathic remedies and how they work. Homeopathy has been around for a while. In and around the 1800s, Hahnemann tested and proved many remedies within his own lab indicating that the specific remedies are related to specific symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are a fraction of the organic substance; they are then altered to different potencies for treatment of the different symptoms. There are many potencies, such as 6x/c, 12x/c, 30x/c, 200x/c and so forth. The medial potency is 30x or 30c and will work with the physical or energetic depending on what the body is demanding, and could be referred to as to the go to when you are not familiar with homeopathic remedies. The more you learn and become skilled in which potency to use, the more you can fluctuate the potency. For most of the ailments listed below, you could use either the 6x or 6c, or 12x or 12c, because they will address more of the physical concerns and this is what you’re basically treating in this manner. The best way to determine which potency is best is to muscle test yourself. Here are some common ailments and their signs, symptoms, and treatment. This is only a start. Enjoy! • Abdominal Bloating: If I were to have abdominal bloating with gas and slow digestion, I would reach for Carbo Vegetabilis. • Bed Wetting: If my child wet the bed regularly, I would reach for Causticum. • Bee Stings/Mosquito Bites: If I was out exploring in the woods and got bit by a bee or mosquito, I would immediately reach for Apis Mellifica. • Broken Bones: If I were to break my arm, I would reach for Symphytum. • Bruising: If I had an accident, fell down, or bruised myself, I would reach for Arnica Montana. • Burns: For first degree burns, I would use Utica Urens. For second degree burns, I would use Causticum. For third degree burns, I would use Cantharis • Croup Cough: If I were to get a cold that started with a croup cough, I would reach for Hepar Sulph or, if it gets worse, Spongia Tosta. • Cuts: If I accidentally cut myself in the kitchen, I would reach for Calendula. • Eye Strain: If I were on the computer too long, reading a ton, or felt eyestrain, I would reach for Ruta Graveolens. • Fever: If I came down with a fever and had red cheeks, I would reach for Belladonna. • Food Poisoning: If I am out eating and feel sick afterwards, suspecting food poisoning, I would reach for Arsenicum Album. • Ganglion Cyst: If I were to get a ganglion cyst on my hand, I would reach for Ruta Graveolens. • Gas and Belching: If I were to have gas and belching without relief, I would reach for Magnesia Phosphorica. • Hangover: If I were to drink too much the night before and I woke up in the middle of the night with hangover feelings and a headache, I would reach for Nux Vomica. • Heatstroke/Sunstroke: If I was out in the sun for too long and began to have the symptoms of sunstroke, I would reach for Belladonna. • Influenza: If I was getting the chills prior to and feeling like I was going to get influenza, I would reach for Aconitum Napellus • Nasal Drain/Drip: If I have a nasal drip either from allergies or a cold, I would go to my medicine cabinet and reach for Allium Cepa. • Nasal Discharge Green: If I were to have a cold with thick yellowgreen nasal discharge, I would reach for Kali Bichromicum. eydismagazine.com 49