April/May 2016 | Page 48

WHAT IS HEALING... REALLY NATURAL REMEDIES TO HELP THE EVERYDAY AILMENT AND MORE! By Kelly Kurek 48 | Eydis Magazine W ith “dis-order” in the body, you could be diagnosed with “dis-ease” by your doctor. If this disorder is found before it has been created in the tissues, you will not be diagnosed but it doesn’t mean there isn’t “disorder” within the body. The way you can find these disorders is by listening to your body; sometimes you might get sick with a common cold, congestion, fungus etc. This is when the disorder is still in what I call the humoral phase and is something that is not diagnosable yet as disease. If left alone and not addressed, it will create deeper within the tissues until there is disease. These simple signs are a signal that something is off within the body. What causes these illnesses is a pattern within, a belief system, a program, emotions such as anger, hatred or rage, and/or negative thoughts and so one. It is different for everyone in the way someone will create within their bodies. No two bodies are alike. To find true healing, you need to go within and look at the particular patterns within that cause the “disorder.” All disorder in the body starts here! It first shows up in the digestive process and then radiates out into the body, ܙX][