April Edition Live Magazine - April 2014 Issue. | Page 8
gaming in the US
Video Games are interactive art
Video Games are completely unlike
other mediums of artistic expression
such as film, crafts, music, and literature; because unlike those other
mediums, a video game can punish
you for improperly engaging them.
For example: unless you’re illiterate,
anyone can read a book and understand what’s being said – even if the
themes and motifs of a novel fly over
your head, the book isn’t going to
close itself in your face saying “you’re
too simple minded to truly enjoy me,
goodbye.” Likewise, music doesn’t
turn itself off if you’re a terrible dancer; an easel doesn’t collapse if you
don’t understand color schemes; a
engage with a video game is what
makes the medium so fantastic, but
is also what makes it nearly impossible for video games to go completely
mainstream. Video games are interactive art, i.e. they can’t exist as
art on their own, and they require a
player to invest a part of themselves
into the mechanics before they can
truly be a complete experience. It
is that “interactivity” which I believe
prevents video games from becoming a full part of mainstream culture.
However, that doesn’t mean some titles haven’t broken through the barrier and simplified interactivity to a
point where nearly anyone can enjoy
levels. Likewise someone who enjoys games such as Mario or Rayman may not view Angry Birds or
Fruit Ninja with the same integrity. I
think before video games can truly
be considered mainstream, culture
needs to be more open minded
as to exactly what kind of experience can classify itself as a “video
game”. I’m excited to see developers who are bending the rules of
video game development by embracing this thought provoking idea;
film doesn’t end prematurely if you
can’t connect to the characters. Unlike these other mediums, a predetermined amount of skill is required
for a person to enjoy video games –
some people don’t understand how
to coordinate themselves enough to
use a controller. And if you incorrectly play a game, you’ll be punished
with a “game over” or remain stuck
on a level if you can’t figure out how
to proceed.
I think the small amount of skill which
is required for a player to properly
them; unfortunately such titles are
scrutinized by their own audience as
not being games at all.
Video games don’t need to be mainstream in order to be considered a
strong pop culture influence or serious form of artistic expression.
However, I also think video games
have room for inclusion as far as a
mainstream audience is concerned.
The skill required to enjoy a game
such as Titanfall verses the skill required to enjoy games such as Gone
Home are on completely different
but ultimately I believe video games
shall always remain a niche experience. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that… except for the
fact I lay awake at night a cry for all
the people who’ll never get to experience this incredibly powerful art
form simply because they lack the
appropriate motor skills or handeye coordination. Here’s to hoping
one day we’ll reach a place where
the definition of a video game is so
blurred, everyone can enjoy them.
Written by Serwa Aboagye