April Edition Live Magazine - April 2014 Issue. | Page 32

“..I SPENT MANY HOURS PAST BEDTIME UNDER THE COVERS, ENJOYING AND EXPLOITING THE MARVEL OF BACKLIT SCREENS. This was a tricky one for me, I have so many fond memories across many platforms and games that it’s hard to pick a favourite. An honourable mention has to go to Crystal Mines and the Atari Lynx, with which I spent many hours past bedtime under the covers, enjoying and exploiting the marvel of backlit screens. Of course, text adventures like Zork also hold a special place in my heart, but when you’re talking All Time Favourites I really have to go back to the game and console that started it all for me. Obviously, the awesome 16-Bit power of the Sega Megadrive is what changed my life forever and put me on the path of gaming. My brother and I were gifted a second hand Megadrive by one of our cousins, along with what seemed like about 100 games but was probably only about 10, in around 1994. There were some real gems in this selection, like the impossible Another World and the original Mortal Kombat (which I was technically not allowed to play, but helped myself to anyway). Sonic was there, too, as well as Bubsy and Ecco the Dolphin, but the retro classic that got me hooked forever was Golden Axe. You could be an Amazon, and there were these great dragon-chicken mount things you could ride around. They may not be cornerstones of retro gaming, lauded worldwide as the turning points in an era, but Golden Axe and the Mega Drive will always be what got me into gaming, and that’s what makes them my all time favourites. MEGAHAN COLES: WWW.XXPGAMES.COM.AU “What’s your favourite retro game or console?” Industry Comment.. “..LOADED UP A GAME CALLED BACK TO REALITY AND IT BLEW MY MIND..” It was 1984, my parents brought home an Atari 2600 with pack in games Space Invaders and Air Sea Battle and oh boy, did I love that console! A few years later I went to a friends house to play their Atari 2600 when I saw a computer set up underneath his lounge room TV - It was a Commodore 64. He turned it on and loaded up a game called Back to Reality and it blew my mind, from then on I knew this was the game system that I was waiting for. Soon after my parents graced me with a C64 with disk drive and the rest is history. When my friends were arguing with each other about which was the better system out of the Sega Master System or Nintendo Entertainment System, I was sitting back playing my awesome C64. With the awesome game line up it had from Shmups, Arcade, Platform and driving games, I was never bored. I find most games still hold up today namely The Last Ninja Series, Myth, Turrican series, Creatures 2, Hammerfist, Monty on the Run and special mention to Shinobi - the greatest 8bit port in my opinion. Visually, some games would make Amiga owners contemplate how the C64 could even accomplish graphics so close to 16bit, and The Last Ninja 3 is a prime example. But what stands out for me about the C64 is its sound chip. The “Sidchip” as it was called had the most amazing sound and most developers exploited it to its limits. Games with the best soundtracks include Commando, Monty on the Run, Cybernoid, IK+, X-Out, among many others (there’s just too many to mention). Now in my adult years I play and collect various consoles like the PC Engine, Sega Megadrive, SNES and current gen but what is still set up amongst my consoles is my very first C64, and my love for it is as strong as ever. DARREN (DAZ) BORG: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/RETRODOMINATION