April 2024 | Page 17

GPD : I was excited and looking forward to it really . Si [ Glitter is Italian ], they are . I know . A friend came last night ( I wasn ' t here ) - - she was in a sense shocked because most of my expos are of a quiet nature .

JM : I can understand such a reaction . How did the idea for this exhibit first come to your mind ?

GPD : I try to keep up with events , and to be honest , ISIS worries me . So , I came across these girl “ soldiers ." piece is a chilling reminder of a frighteningly dangerous world , but also an artistic representation of a brutal war in which even women and children feel compelled to participate . That is the nature of this conflict , and Glitter ’ s stunning work brings this reality home to us .

Glitter was kind enough to share her thoughts about Born in Kurdistan with me , and so follows our interview :

JM : First of all , thank you Glitter for meeting me here to discuss this very moving exhibit . Images of war are always very powerful and disturbing . . . . .