April '2023 GOOD NEWS - issue to publish online | Page 26

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Top Movies , DVD ' s , & Streaming TV
1 ) Shazam - A superhero movie that remembers what makes a superhero movie special - an old Warner Bros . cartoon style mix of kid-focused humor , a mature look at right and wrong and great action sequences . A worthy entry into the Marvel Comic Universe ... See it ! - on HBO Max ... 2 ) Missing - An up-to-the-minute story that uses a unique trick to invest the audience in the story - when a mom suddenly vanishes while on a trip to Columbia with a new boyfriend , her daughter uses every bit of technology she can to find her . And discovers more about mom than she ever knew . An intriguing story , told with enough intrigue that this is the sleeper of the month ... See it ! - in theatres ... 3 ) Luther : The Fallen Son - A continuation of the British tv series , now expanded to feature length . Idris Elba is terrific as the morally conflicted detective , as always , but this story does not live up to the past episodes . Nevertheless , Elba makes this worth watching . See it ! - on Netflix ... 4 ) Lucky Hank - After the triumph that was Better Call Saul , Bob Odenkirk shifts gears - starring as a depressed and frustrated college professor . It ' s an academic comedy - we will see if Odenkirk can again rise above the premise and make this show great television ... Watch it ! - on AMC ... 5 ) The Whale - Last widely seen as George of the Jungle , Brendan Fraser has returned - older , in different physical condition , but with so much more to give onscreen . This is his best work , and he won an Oscar for it this year . See it ! - in theaters ...


SATURDAY , JUNE 10th Clean out your basements , closets , and garages , and get ready to sell , sell , sell ! Put out a table and participate in the Avis community-wide yard sales !
24 “ Good News ” -- April -- www . bearcountrygoodnews . com

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Open : Monday thru Friday 7:30am-5:30pm , Saturday 7:30am-12noon .