Region 1 Chapter Recognition / Status
Awards University at Buffalo – Distinguished Chapter , Certificate of Commendation United States Military Academy – Most Improved , Community Service Finalist Cornell University – Most Improved SUNY College of Technology at Canton – Significant Improvement SUNY Polytechnic Institute – Significant Improvement
Honorable Mentions Cornell University , Universite Laval , New Jersey Institute of Technology , Northeastern University , Rowan University , Rutgers , The State University of New York , Stony Brook University , SUNY College of Technology at Canton , United States Military Academy , Wentworth Institute of Technology
Establishing Chapters Farmingdale State College – Metropolitan Section
Chapters on Probation Hudson Valley Community College – Mohawk-Hudson Section
Presentations included updates of current happenings at the local ASCE student chapters from Rowan University , as well as NJIT , followed by a discussion on utilizing ASCE Student Resources and how to help / encourage student chapter participation . Information was shared amongst the group on mentoring for students and young professionals in general . Breakout sessions were then conducted on the student symposium , infrastructure report card , and fostering member engagement / retention .
Updates were provided by the NYS Council and the Younger Member Council and discussions took place regarding open positions on the board . The various sections / branches then each shared relevant updates from their respective geographic regions and discussed pain points , successes , failures , etc .
Following the completion of the formal agenda , Ali Ayman ( Associate Director ) gave a tour of the Rowan CREATES Lab at South Jersey Technology Park and a PDH was provided to those in attendance . The assembly then concluded with a reception and social event at the Axe and Arrow Brewery which was hosted by the New Jersey Section and South Jersey Branch . The next meeting is currently scheduled for September 29 th and 30 th in Montreal , Canada .
A big thank you to ASCE-Region 1 and all of the fantastic people involved in the organization for fostering an environment focused on the betterment of the industry as a whole .