May 2023 ASCE-NH Section Lunch & Learn Webinar Presented By : Mahmood Khwaja , PE , SE
WHEN : |
Wednesday , May 24 , 2023 |
Zoom Video Communications ( Anywhere !!) |
PRESENTATION : Cemetery Brook Drain Tunnel - Manchester , NH
The City of Manchester , New Hampshire , is embarking on one of its largest public works projects in history to construct the Cemetery Brook Drain tunnel , a nearly 12,000 foot long , large-diameter , conveyance tunnel through downtown Manchester . The project area that has challenging geology with undulating bedrock ( granite , schist , and gneiss ) profile overlain by fluvial deposits . Understanding the subsurface conditions is key to mitigating project risks , establishing plan and profile for the tunnel , and selecting the most costsensitive and technically appropriate tunneling method . This presentation will focus on project background , project team ’ s approach for conducting the ground investigation , developing preliminary subsurface profile and considerations for selecting the construction methods , and providing an overview of the logistical considerations . The presentation will also provide a high-level discussion on tunneling . Attendees will receive 1.0-PDH . Directions for receiving the PDH certificate will be provided following the presentation .
SPEAKERS ’ BIO : Mahmood is CDM Smith ’ s National Discipline Leader for Tunnels and is a registered professional Engineer in eleven states . He is an accomplished tunnel / geotechnical / structural engineer , project manager and technical leader with more than 28 years of experience designing above and below ground structures . He has experience managing projects and project teams involving complex domestic and international projects . His experience includes work on cut-and-cover , mined , bored and jacked tunnels ; analysis of complex soil-structure interaction behavior using numerical methods ; analysis and design of above and below ground transit stations , tunnels , deep shafts , de-aeration chambers , large scale water structures , staged excavation , support of excavation systems , underpinning and soil improvement , trenchless methods . Mahmood has experience in the design of above ground structures including bridges , bridge abutments , ventilation buildings and mass transit stations . He is also experienced in alternate delivery methods , including design-build and PPP . Mahmood has taught courses at the Boston Architectural College and at the University of Massachusetts , Lowell .
12:00 pm – 12:50 pm |
Presentation |
12:50 pm – 1:00 pm |
Q & A |
Member / Non-Member : FREE & State / Municipal Employee : FREE RSVP : By Tuesday , May 23 , 2023 Registration can be completed using the following registration webpage : http :// events . constantcontact . com / register / event ? llr = nfvkd8kab & oeidk = a07ejrmdfyh4a287bc8
Instructions for joining the Webinar via Zoom will be provided after Event Registration 1.0-PDH has been assigned for attending this event ; must pre-register to receive PDH