April 2022 Newsletter | Page 5

Dear members of SJGCC
The most difficult part of managing turfgrass especially in North Florida is obviously the weather . The fluctuations in temperature and moisture can really make life tough on the greens . So far coming out of winter ( hopefully ) we are in decent condition give or take a few areas that we need steady sunlight and temperatures to really gain ground on . As I am writing this it has been raining for 2 days with more to come so that could have something to do with my bleak assessment of the weather . Hopefully mother nature is in our favor , and we push through the end of the winter season with some consistent dry , and sunny conditions . lower than where it was at the end of last year . We were able to finish the bulk fertilizer applications last month and are now looking forward to wall-to-wall applications of preemergent herbicide next week and a mole cricket application at the end of the month . These applications will be contracted out and blown into the turf canopy to improve efficacy and avoid disruptions in play . We will continue weekly topdressing along with monthly aerifications on the greens through April . As the weather warms , we will be veering away from punching the greens as often and begin verticutting and brushing on a bi-weekly basis .
The golf course is really starting to green up and take shape for the upcoming season . We mowed the rough last week for the first time and are planning on cutting it again next week . The plan for the season is to try and keep the rough quite a bit
We still have plans to address the tee sign areas and will be doing sod work around bunkers and weaker areas around the property at some point . Otherwise , we will continue with routine maintenance and small projects on course .
Thanks ,

Mike O ’ Malley
