April 2022 MA Interractive final | Page 47

COACHING his challenges and frustrations . The coach can help him find ways to learn new skills , allowing him to be the best version of himself . By this process , Ken really does not need to be told what to do . The coach helps him uncover the solutions that best work for his situation .
Jane is a team leader . She works with the sales team on a regular basis as she helps them follow up on leads , close sales , deal with objections and customer concerns . She motivates her team to achieve their targets , and encourages and corrects in equal measure .
But Jane ’ s boss is usually harsh and critical . He doesn ’ t create a great work environment . It isn ’ t easy for Jane to be on the receiving end and yet continue to be an inspirational leader for her team .
But Jane understands that she has no control over her boss . Instead of wishing he would change , she looks at her options and picks the best ones for her progress and mental peace .
“ Leadership coaching is the opportunity for an individual to be more self-aware about the impact their leadership has on people around them , to understand their own strengths and weaknesses and allow them to be more effective at leading .”
Jane is on the hunt for a new role and she can work with a leadership coach to build on her leadership skills so that if she is ever in a position similar to the one held by her boss , she will know exactly what to do and what not to do . The coach can also help her to start thinking more strategically rather than operationally , thus contributing to her own career progression .
Marketers need leadership skills to progress in their careers . Marketers need coaches to walk with them on their personal development journey as they build their leadership skills . All businesses including coaching practices run by coaches need marketers to help them reach clients who need their expertise .
The fusion point is where all the 3 areas meet . In the words of Mahatma Ghandi , “ Be the change you wish to see in the world .”
One step at a time , each marketer can make that change - personal and professional . And as we go into election season in Kenya , we can also make the right choices that will positively impact the nation ! ■
Thrity Engineer-Mbuthia is a seasoned marketing professional and a personal development coach . You can commune with her on this or related matters via mail at : Mycoach @ thrityengineer . org .