April 2022 ASCE-NH Newsletter (clone) | Page 10

Socks , socks everywhere ! There are 20 different socks , of two types , in a drawer in a completely dark room . What is the minimum number of socks you should grab to ensure you have a matching pair ?



Socks , socks everywhere ! There are 20 different socks , of two types , in a drawer in a completely dark room . What is the minimum number of socks you should grab to ensure you have a matching pair ?

Please send you answers to Thomas Selling via e-mail : thomasselling @ me . com Correct responses will be recognized in the future issues of the New Hampshire Civil Engineer .


350 km
Each has 100 km capacity and they are all in the same place . You could set all 50 bikes off but they ' d all only travel 100 km . Now , one solution would be to move all bikes 50 km . Then empty half the bikes ' fuel tanks into the other to fill them up . Keep doing this until you have 1 bike with a full tank to finish the trek . Of course , you ' ll have the odd bike stranded when dividing odd numbers . This way you ' ll get the last bike of the 50 to have traveled 350 km in total

MARCH SOLUTION “ 5 ” Correct Answers Submitted By : William R . Lambert , PE , NHDOT Paul Lefebvre , P . E HDR BONUS RIDDLE ANSWER

You look in the mirror . You see what you saw . Take the saw , and cut the table in half . Two halves make a whole . Then , you crawl out the hole .