Strategies to Inspire Urgency and Ditch Procrastination
As we have all witnessed over the last year , life as we know it can change in an instant . Last April , not a day went by that we weren ' t being inundated with a barrage of bad news and challenges we were facing in our communities and companies . Even to this day , when we read the news and face the challenges , we can often times get stopped in our tracks , paralyzed or stuck in our decisions .
In the last year as many of us pivoted to working from home , time management has been on my mind . I have been thinking about urgency , and specifically , how to inspire it in myself , and in others . I wanted to share a few simple strategies I am implementing to change my relationship with procrastination , and steps I am taking to inspire urgency in myself , and others .
Start the Task / Gain Momentum :
Even if you have failed at taking action in the past , get going ! If you want to win , you must begin . This seems obvious but if you have been procrastinating at something just start moving your feet . Momentum is a state of mind that ignites energy , enthusiasm and passion .
Block Off Time :
Chances are very remote that you will ever get things done without it getting scheduled in to your calendar . We procrastinate forever because we don ’ t block off the necessary time to finish the job .
Now more than ever , it is important to schedule time for people and events that are important to you . Block off “ me time ” and schedule some self-care in your calendar . You deserve it and those moments can help you keep moving through the rough patches .
Bite Sized Pieces :
I know you have heard this before , but it is worth repeating . How do you eat an elephant ? One bite at a time . It ’ s important to keep the end goal in mind , but some projects require “ One step ” or “ One day … at a time ”. The key is to get moving and stay in motion toward the goal .
Mentality Matters :
People who conquer procrastination learn to become “ Do It Now ’ ers ”. They never wait until tomorrow to do what they know should be done today . The more you put things off the longer the " To Do " list becomes . This can cause the task to appear insurmountable . So just do it … now !
Review Accomplishments :
People who are high achievers in life dwell on their successes . They do not spend time or energy focusing on their failures . They take inventory of their failures , make corrections and focus their energy toward what is working .
Operate in a State of Gratitude :
Gratitude is the attitude that can change everything . One of the best habits you can incorporate in your life is to spend a few minutes at the beginning and end of each day reflecting on the people and things you are grateful for .
An attitude of gratitude adjusts your mind to focus on the positive . Concentrate on the abundance you already possess and you ’ ll find it easier to focus on what is possible and what you can accomplish .
I hope these thoughts and strategies inspire you to get moving and get urgent about the people and things that are important to you . I know it has helped me move forward . Have to go for now … things to do !
Dori Brewer is a Regional Vice President at BH Management Services and the 2020-2021 President of the Colorado Apartment Association
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