April 2021 | Page 27


Even in the current COVID environment with unemployment running high we are still seeing a talent shortage in apartment communities and vendor companies throughout the industry . The Career Initiative Committee at AAMD has worked hard to come up with solutions and opportunities to draw some new talent into our industry like the ( MAP ) -Maintenance Apprentice Program and the ( RPM + L ) - Residential Property Management and Leasing Certificate Program . We have targeted high schools and other resources as well .

Since it is so tough to find great employees , we must be on our game for both recruiting these diamonds in the rough and then on-boarding them successfully so that we can turn them into long term team members .
Here are four key practices we can remember to do both “ prehire ” and " post-hire " that will set both parties up for success :
1 . Remember - everyone is a recruiter
Companies need to find a way to train and teach their employees that we all should be recruiting all the time . It is nice to have a referral bonus which most companies have but we need to take it further and add to our weekly meeting agenda – i . e ., who have you recruited this week ?
We need to recognize in our company newsletters those that found people , perhaps a note from the CEO or President ? The average time to hire an employee is roughly 45 days and if your property is not looking , I am sure that another one is- teamwork makes the dream work !
2 . Expand your sources
Typically , we look for maintenance employees on CraigsList and Office on Indeed . The most important thing with both these websites is that you must consistently be trying to update and revise your ad so that it does not get buried behind all the new ones .
There are many more places to look though starting off with your own residents . Place a sign on the door and email your residents to remind them of the rental discount for team members . Some of the best employees I have ever worked with lived on site first or in the case of vendors worked with them as customers . Social media is also a great way to sell the company , the culture , and the people !
3 . Expedite the recruiting process
Nothing turns a candidate off more than no response to their inquiry or application . Most people will be applying at multiple www . aamdhq . org APRIL 2021 TRENDS | 25