APRIL 2021 | Page 45


Calamari was designated as the official state appetizer of Rhode Island , signed into law by then-Governor Lincoln Chafee in 2014 .
Squid is Rhode Island ’ s top landed seafood with more than 119 Rhode Island fishing vessels bringing in an average of twenty-two million pounds each year valued at more than $ 28 million annually for this one species .
Galilee is the number one port for longfin squid landings on the entire East Coast .
Rhode Island ’ s seafood processing facilities also include the largest supplier of calamari in the United States , since out-of-state boats come here to have squid processed .

Fate Y Fest

Calamari comback ? Hopefully . The Rhode Island Calamari Festival is aiming to make its return for a sixth year on September 11 from 11 a . m . to 5 p . m . at the Narragansett Towers . Around ten to twelve local restaurants usually compete to create the best and most creative calamari dishes , and then the public votes on their favorites through a ballot . “ There ’ s the most spirited award , the most unique calamari and , of course , there ’ s lots of fried calamari ,” says Peg Fradette , executive director of Narragansett Chamber of Commerce . Participating restaurants usually include the Coast Guard House , George ’ s , Arturo Joe ’ s , Mariner Grille , the Haversham and the Carriage Inn among others . “ We even get Providence restaurants that want to come down and participate ,” Fradette says . “ No matter what happens with this year ’ s Calamari Festival , we ’ ll figure out a way to get people out there enjoying local seafood .” – J . C .

To stay up to date on the latest happenings in Narragansett and confirm the Calamari Festival is happening in 2021 , go to narragansettcoc . com and sign up for the email newsletter .
There are more than 300 species of squid with a wide range of sizes . They can measure anywhere from one inch to eighty feet in length .
Squid is a cousin of the octopus , and also releases a dark ink when threatened . Squid ink is salty and can be used to color and flavor risotto or pasta dishes .
Squid have skin cells called chromatophores that allow them to change colors . Squid change the color of their skin in seconds to match their surroundings , camouflaging them from predators .
Colossal squid have the largest eyes in the animal kingdom , measuring about the size of a soccer ball or basketball . They also have a built-in protective layer that looks similar to contact lenses .
Squid have three hearts . One systemic heart pumps blood through the squid ’ s body and two branchial hearts pump blood into the gills .
Humboldt squid , which live deep in the open ocean , have bioluminescent organs that make their skin glow in the dark . Scientists say that Humboldt squid use the changing light patterns on their skin to communicate with each other in the dark .
Research by Carmen Russo