APRIL 2021 | Page 10

What if you could give in a way that never stopped giving ?

One of life ’ s great achievements is the ability to leave a lasting legacy . We can help .

rifoundation . org / legacy or call 401-274-4564 extra SPONSORED CONTENT IN THIS ISSUE

Professional Excellence
in Real Estate
A list of top local realtors . Plus , read how the real estate market is faring during COVID-19 .
Outstanding Women
Profiles of successful local women making a mark on their field .
Camp Guide
A guide to some great Summer Camp options for the upcoming season .
Photographer Wolf Matthewson was in his natural element when he shot “ Kaleidoscopes of Nature ,” our colorful spring tribute to dahlias . “ Warm , bright sunshine , the ‘ too-weet ’ sounds of happy goldfinches playing and feeding while monarch butterflies dart from stem to stem in a garden of dahlias of every variety and color ,” he says . “ Add to that the insights of the gardener responsible for it all who helped me see things I wouldn ’ t have seen . All in all , not a bad way to spend a late summer morning or afternoon .”
Lou Papineau
is marking his fiftieth year as a freelance writer ; his first byline was on “ The Record Rack ,” a weekly column for the Woonsocket Call . And a lifelong obsession with music continues with his Current piece in this issue , a diverse compendium of songs that celebrate the Ocean State . “ It was a challenge to narrow it down to five tracks ,” he says . “ But it was fun to travel the melodic road from Blossom Dearie to Taylor Swift .”
John Taraborelli has never owned a gun — but by the time you read this , he might . He recently decided to explore his Second Amendment rights and took readers along for his journey , which starts on page forty-six [“ Johnny , Get Your Gun ?”]. As of this writing , he remains ambivalent about purchasing a firearm , but promises that if he ever does , he will always be safe and responsible and never mix guns with open-toed footwear . �