APRIL 2021 BAR BULLETIN APRIL 2021 | Page 12




Rosalyn “ Sia ” Baker-Barnes – 2021 Judge Edward Rodgers Diversity Award Recipient ( Continued )

Ms . Baker-Barnes continues to lead in this field by serving as an Advisor to the F . Malcolm Cunningham , Sr . Bar Association (“ FMCBA ”).
This year , the entire executive board consists of young , vibrant female lawyers . The current FMCBA President , Hershley Ogé , is grateful to have Ms . Baker-Barnes advise her this year . She boasts that Ms . Baker-Barnes “ is an exceptional example of what a leader should be and how a leader should encourage future generations to get involved .”

R . Fred Lewis Florida High School Trial Competition held on Zoom

Upon learning of being a recipient of the 2021 Judge Edward Rodgers Diversity Award , Ms . Baker-Barnes replied , “ I am SO honored and humbled to have been selected for this award .… Judge Rodgers was instrumental in my life and my career ; I have known him since I was a little girl . He mentored me , he guided me and he was always there to cheer me on . He is the reason my dad and so many others had opportunities to become lawyers and leaders here in Palm Beach County . Nine years ago , as Co-Chair of the CDI , I had the great privilege of presenting the very first diversity award to Judge Rodgers , and to announce that the award was named after him . It warms my heart to now receive the award we named for him and to play a small part in carrying on his great legacy .”
Our Law Related Education Committee hosted its annual R . Fred Lewis Florida High School Mock Trial Competition , including 5 local teams and 30 students . Pictured are students from FAU High School and American Heritage who brilliantly competed and received valuable courtroom experience during the exercise on Zoom . We are sure to see them back as future lawyers and judges ! After the trial , students were critiqued by our seasoned lawyers . A special thank you to all the great volunteers who organized and judged the competition , including program chair Andrew Kwan , Esq .
Please join the Palm Beach County Bar Association in congratulating the 2021 Judge Edward Rodgers Diversity Award Recipient , Rosalyn “ Sia ” Baker-Barnes .
This article contained contributions from Jordan Dulcie .