Vision 20 / 20 – Focused on Recovery Step 9 – Bench Bar Conference and Celebrating our Judiciary in the absence of our annual Judicial Reception
Dean T . Xenick 2020-21 PBCBA President
Typically , in April of each year the Palm Beach County Bar Association hosts its annual Judicial Reception . This reception , one of our signature events , is where we gather to celebrate our judges , and judicial assistants . Our judiciary is one of the best ( if not the best ) and most respected in Florida . We are thankful to be able to practice in Palm Beach County , and our judges are one of the main reasons why . Due to Covid , we were forced to postpone the Judicial Reception until the fall of 2021 and we sincerely hope that this event will take place at that time .
Even though we cannot meet live this month to honor and celebrate our local judges , there are plenty of opportunities to interact with them and thank them for the tireless job they do .
The first and likely best opportunity to do this is to attend one of our other signature events , our annual Bench Bar conference , including the kick-off event which will take place LIVE outside at a socially distanced venue , the National Croquet Center in West Palm Beach on April 6 , 2021 at 5:00 p . m . Local attorney band DISBARRED ( Brian Denney , Danny Fiorello , Michael Fiorello , Jeremy Slusher , and our own Past President , John Whittles ) will provide live entertainment . In addition , Sharon Bock , Retired PBC Clerk & Comptroller will be our keynote speaker . Chief Judge Krista Marx will give the State of
Court Address and the Annual Sidney A . Stubbs Professionalism Award , the Judge Edward Rodgers Diversity Award , and the Judge Meenu Sasser Mentoring Award will be presented . The educational sessions will be virtual , but this is still a great opportunity to interact with our judges and ask them questions relative to a variety of legal and professional topics , as the sessions will still be highly interactive .
I would like to thank our outstanding Bench Bar Committee , led by Rebecca Brock and Lauren Johnson , for their tireless work to make this event extraordinary even considering the restrictions of Covid . Being successful when faced with these challenges is a testament to the great work of this committee .
In addition to the Bench Bar Conference , upcoming opportunities to interact with our judges include the following :
Coffee and Bagels with the Judges - This monthly event , now on Zoom , is even more intimate than the inperson meeting , in my mind . During these events , lawyers are put into small break out rooms with judges and other lawyers . This , in effect , “ gently ” forces everyone to participate in the conversation and takes away the hesitation some may have to walking up to a group of people they do not know .
CLE Events – These events are hosted by seasoned and professional lawyers who are well versed in their respective practices and many times are moderated or attended by judges .
Law Day Luncheon – Another annual event , this year taking place on May 6 ,
2021 , will feature motivational speaker Celeste Bowers . A big thank you to our Law Week Committee , led by Kelsey Burke , for making this event happen .
Since we are on the topic of judges , I would be remiss to not mention that on July 1 , 2021 Judge Krista Marx will end her two-term tenure as Chief Judge of the 15th Judicial Circuit , as Judge Glenn Kelley takes over . Judge Marx has done a phenomenal job during her time at Chief Judge and most notably has weathered the storm of a pandemic . Having been able to work closely with her this year has shown me firsthand the dedication that she has to her fellow judges , attorneys and the constituents of Palm Beach County .
Our judges are some of most hard working in the state , managing large caseloads which have only increased since the pandemic . Their resilience to keep cases moving during this time is no small feat . As we get closer to the return of jury trials and a full courthouse once again , we need to remember what has transpired over the past year and realize that for all the inconvenience that this pandemic has caused , our judges , judicial assistants , bailiffs , clerks and courthouse staff have gone above and beyond to keep the courthouse open and functioning for our clients .
And as always , I encourage you to drop me a line at dtx @ reidburmanlaw . com with any suggestions as to how we can do better , whether that be for “ work ” or “ play .” I hope to see you at one of our many planned events soon !