April 2020 | Page 12

The God Of Impossibilities P. Chezhian, Missionary, BYM Many a time we are faced with montain-sized problems in our lives. We wonder whether it is possible to tide over the situation. Problems are ubiquitous. They lurk in our family, career, business, ministries and even in our personal lives. But we should not forget the fact that our God is the God of impossibilities. Nothing is too hard for Him. All things are possible for Him. No problem is too big that God cannot solve it. No situation is so hard enough that God cannot deliver. Even in the worst of situations, God can do a miracle. The Gospel is a message of hope. God can do wonders when we come to Him and trust Him. Let us meditate on some instances from the Bible as how God works on impossibilities. Emptiness to Completeness The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep (Gen 1:2). There was obviously nothing to start from. But the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters (v2). And one by one, He spoke and they came to being. The Light, the Firmament, the Earth, the Universe, Vegetation and Animals were all created by the power of His Word. Man was created in the very image of the Creator and became the crown of His creation. Our God is Omnipotent. He doesn't even need a scratch to start from. He can start from a completely void situation and fill it with abundance. Christ has come that we may have life and have it abundantly (Jn 10:10). Prison to Palace Joseph was the apple of his father's eye. But he was sold as a slave. He was sent to prison though he was innocent. He was forgotten by the cupbearer. However the Lord was with him wherever he went and made him prosper. In His appointed time, Joseph became the Prime Minister of the nation (Gen 41:38). Similarly, Daniel and his friends were mere slaves in Babylon. But they became prominent government officers by the Spirit of God (Dan 4:8). We too were wretched slaves to sin but are made anew by the Spirit's work in us (2 Cor 5:17). Reaction to Response Moses was quick-tempered. He killed the Egyptian who mistreated the Hebrew. He stood up for the daughters of Reuel against the shepherds. But the Spirit of God moulded him in such a way that God Himself could testify that Moses was the meekest man on the earth (Num 12:3). When the burden on Moses' shoulders grew too big to carry, the Lord 'took his spirit' and shared it with the 70 elders (Num 11: 16, 17, 24 & 25). www.bymonline.org | April 2020 | Page 12