April 2020 GCOptions Apr20 MAGZTER | Page 55

Click the page to go to their ad ADVERTISER LISTING All Sports..........................................................18 Aura Underbody LED Light Kits.....................27 Aura Underbody LED Whip............................31 Backspin Seating.............................................11 Best Carts.........................................................17 C&S Custom Golf Carts..................................39 Carts Gone Wild..............................................53 Chilly Cheeks...................................................46 Ecocruise..........................................................39 GMT Golf Cart Accessories.............................58 Golf Cart Stuff....................................................3 Golf Cart Swag Mart........................................24 Golf Carts Modified.........................................39 itsnever2latebooks.com.................................50 Lazy Life Seats + Covers...................................2 RateMyGolfCart.Com......................................23 RELiON Battery..................................................6 Silverwolf Motors..............................................9 Small Vehicle Resource..................................13 Suite Seats.......................................................60 Towel It Up.......................................................46 Ultimate Golf Cars...........................................17 Vegas Carts......................................................33 Vegas Golf The Game.....................................54 Wheelz LLC.......................................................32 Wheelz LLC Renew Protect............................54 X-iT Outdoors....................................................9 Contact us about how you can save 50% on advertising: [email protected] legalNEWS PALM DESERT, CA - A probationer was in cus- tody Tuesday, accused of stealing a golf cart from a local business. Deputies responded to a commercial bur- glary call on March 2 in the 74000 block of Village Center Drive in Indian Wells, according to the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department. Investigators identified Palm Desert resi- dent Zachary Roberts, 26, as a suspect in the crime, along with another commercial bur- glary on Saturday in the 72000 block of High- way 111 Palm Desert. Probationer Arrested, Accused of Stealing Golf Cart the stolen golf cart.” It was not immediately clear which alleged burglary involved the golf cart. Following his arrest, Roberts was taken to a local hospital and later booked at the Indio jail on suspicion of committing two commer- cial burglaries and violating his probation, where he remains in lieu of $50,000 bail. He is scheduled to be arraigned Thursday at the Larson Justice Center in Indio. Roberts was arrested Monday, and was found to be in possession of a stolen golf cart, ac- cording to sheriff’s officials, who said that “he was under the influence and had fallen out of APRIL 2020 55