Arizona is a beautiful state that
is full of beautiful weather and
incredible driving conditions.
As a result, people often enjoy
taking a multitude of vehicles
out for rides.
The same is true of golf carts.
Arizona has a variety of differ-
ent rules and regulations that
help to keep the roads as safe
as possible.
These laws will vary depending
on various aspects of state and
municipal laws.
Thankfully, these regulations
are quite easy to understand,
even by the average person
with little law experience.
Understanding Current Federal
Arizona Golf Cart Laws
& Regulations
(What You Need To Know)
hour. Numbers.
As most golf carts are not capa-
ble of exceeding these speeds,
this means that state laws reg-
ulate a vast majority of golf cart
use on state and local roads. However, Arizona is currently
exempt from the need for a
windshield due to state laws.
Any vehicle that is manufac-
tured to travel over 20 miles per
hour will fall under federal laws. These changes are necessary
because they set up regulations
and guidelines that ensure all
vehicles on the road meet a
minimum standard of safety.
However, golf carts are inca-
pable of meeting these speeds
unless they are modified specifi-
cally by the owner. While cart owners may take to
the road without meeting all of
these standards, they will be
breaking the law to do so.
As a result, modified golf carts
– even though they go over 20
miles per hour – are still subject
to state and not federal law. Such lawbreaking is not advised,
as drivers may end up suffering
from fines if caught and even
jail time if their behavior causes
dangerous accidents.
Typically, these laws require
many types of upgrades to a
cart before it is road ready.
Federal law is not particular-
ly strict when it comes to golf
carts. When a golf cart is fully upgrad-
ed to become road-ready, it is
then classified as a low-speed
Typically, the federal govern-
ment doesn’t interfere with a
state’s restrictions regarding
golf carts because they lim-
it their rules to vehicles that
exceed speeds of 20 miles per Any vehicle that qualifies for
this grading requires headlights,
stop lights, turn signals, tail
lamps, parking brakes, wind-
shields, seat belts, reflex reflec-
tors, and Vehicle Identification
Talk to your local DMV officials
to get a better idea of what you
need to do.
Registration and Insurance
Beyond these laws outlined
above, Arizona also has regu-
lations on registering a vehicle
and getting insurance.
For example, all golf cart own-
ers are required, by the Arizona
APRIL 2020