April 2019 - The English Times April Newspaper | Page 10
essentially social beings, one of the best constantly increasing, which is a huge
approaches is to foment competition problem, considering that more than 60%
between the public, by means of exposing of the global population relies on fish as
their own performances and making them their main source of protein, as stated on
comparable. the 2017 documentary “A Plastic Ocean”
Following the footsteps of the research, in
If conscientization regarding
Colégio Santo Agostinho, for instance, we unsustainable waste disposal is spread
can create a monthly recycling competition across our school and competition between
among the classes from each grade, the students is incentivized, chances are
setting a goal number of products to be that we’ll progressively switch our attitude
deposited in the “recycling spot” and giving towards this complex problem from passive
weekly feedback to the pupils, so they can to active; and, as the number of recyclable
be aware of their position in the rank and products discarded at the “recycling spot”
which actions need to be taken in order to increases, we’ll soon notice the power of an
reach the first place. At the end of each active community for a greener future.
month, the school can even reward the
winners with a symbolic prize, for example,
a visit to Asmare, aiming for a better
understanding of the social, economic and A Plastic Ocean documentary.
environmental circumstances revolving Why humans are so bad at thinking about
around recycling facilities. climate change, by Andy Murdock
Another idea, which is also emphasized by
(University of California).
the study referred to above, is to raise
awareness about the theme while focusing
the approach on the impact of the
unsustainable practice on human health.
For instance, when broaching the
accumulation of plastic in the oceans,
educators at school may say that seabirds
are often eating microplastics, such as
nurdles, because they confuse the shiny
particles with fish eggs, but they must say
that the number of marine products we buy
at supermarkets that are contaminated
with plastics – and toxic compounds – is
Fun Day is an event held by CSA and the
a day of leisure within the school. The event
Canadian High School, and created with has charitable purposes, with the first goal to
the student's excitement about the collect donations to the cancer
project. The first time the event was hospital Mario Penna. During the first two
considered was at the beginning of 2017 editions of the project, the school invited
by the students of the second year High patients from the hospital to attend the day
School students. of the event.
The project consists of a day of activities,
such as sports, dance, and arts to create
The patients were similar ages as the target
audience of the event, adolescents and
students between the ages of 13 and 17,