A golf carts drive system is just a big electrical circuit. You have a bank of batteries, a motor, a
controller, solenoid and the cables that connect it all together. (This is a simplified explanation
as there are some more minor switches and components that aren’t pertinent to this explana-
tion) Basically, you push a switch to forward and press the accelerator and off you go. In order to
convert all that potential power in the batteries into motion, the voltage has to travel through the
cables ultimately to the motor.
If you install a brand new battery pack but leave
the crumby old cables in there, it’s like driving a
supercar down a pothole-riddled dirt road. Sure
it’ll do it, but it won’t be fun and you’ll probably
damage something leading to costly repairs. The
cables are the foundation of your carts system....
the highway that all that potential power must
travel down to get you moving. You can have all
the power in the world but if it can’t get trans-
ferred to where you need it to be, it’s worthless.
Upgrading your cables to a larger size is like
adding a lane to an interstate. It frees up more
space for more traffic to flow faster...and in your
cart, it allows more power to travel to your mo-
tor with less friction and thus less heat. Heat is
your enemy number one. Excessive heat caus-
es battery post to expand and contract, which
loosens connections which in turn lead to arcing
contacts which lead to battery post meltdowns.
This means you just threw away $100+ on a bat-
tery. When you have a 4awg or 2awg cable set,
the amount of heat generated is greatly reduced
and the chance of a meltdown is reduced with
it. Now, there is still a need for basic mainte-
nance which includes checking battery water,
checking cables are tight and making sure there
isn’t any corrosion building up. We have carts
out there that are running our 2awg kits that
can run 40+mph that don’t overheat, so you can
rest assured your cart will operate at its maxi-
mum efficiency with our kit.
And another benefit to our kits that was found
after a couple years in the business is that the
2awg kits are so strong, if you should happen
to roll your cart and the factory battery holds
downs fail (which happens a lot, they aren’t de-
signed for rollovers but instead for simply keep-
ing them from rattling) the battery cables have
been shown to hold a pack together and keep
them from flying out. This saves the batteries
from potential damage, the area of the accident
from environmental issues from acid leaks, and
the driver and passenger from potential injury
due to flying debris.
5905 Steeplechase Suite 500 | Cumming, Georgia
(678) 456-8457 |