April 2019 April 2019 | Page 39

I N T E R S TAT E G O L F C A R S SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2019 9:00AM - 1:00PM | FREE FOOD & DRINKS | MUSIC | PRIZES DONATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR OUR LOCAL VETERANS located at Exit 31 Off I-55 in Hammond 510 Westin Oaks Drive Hammond, La. 70403 FREE ENTRY & VEHICLE ENTRY ENTRY REGISTRATION INFO Name: Address: City: Make: Model: CATEGORY (please circle one) State: Phone: Zip: Year: Most Wild & Crazy | Best Themed | Oldest Running Cart | People's Choice Fax in your entry to 1-985-230-9937 or email your entry to [email protected] Interstate Golf Cars Inc. 510 Westin Oaks Dr. Hammond, LA 70403 tel 985-230-9990 | www.interstategolfcars.com APRIL 2019 39