April 2018 Torch (clone) | Page 2

A Message from Christin Chachula, your LJCL President


Salve! I’m so excited for the 2018-2019 JCL year! I’ve dreamed of this opportunity, and I’m so thankful to each one of you for helping me get here. This year is going to be busy, as always, but let’s work together to make it the best year possible. First, I want to encourage any and everyone to email me at [email protected] with any questions you have about absolutely anything. I want to help each JCLer as much as I can, so never be scared to come to me with questions or concerns. We’ll have lots of exciting events this year, and I can’t wait to see each of you come and join us. I hope the JCL will be a home to each of you filled with fellow students who love the classics. I encourage you to use this year to learn everyday and grow in your knowledge and love for the classics and for others, and I encourage you to meet new people and make lasting friendships. Stay tuned for more JCL updates throughout the year!

Christin Chachula

Photo submitted by Arrington Holmes