April 2018 April 2018 | Page 33

Laugh Yourself Silly Humour Me I’m Old Sourpuss Therapy I Am Suzy A Talkaholic PRACTICAL JOKES BEGIN With the excitement of receiving my surprise gift it was difficult to make time to use a toi- let. I cried out: “Robotica stop the golf cart, I have to go real bad”. Fortunately, a portable toilet for highway construction workers was just sitting there in the middle of a bushy area. Robotica insisted she check out the area for poison ivy or biting insects first to make certain it was safe. After a few minutes Inspector Potty called out in a giggly laughing voice: “OK Joe, the coast is clear.” Upon reaching the enclosed toilet there was an OUT OF ORDER sign posted on the door. Something told me it was a funny trick my prac- tical joker companion pulled off to amuse me. My guess was dead-on, the toilet was empty; it stunk like crap, it was in working order, and so was my bladder. Upon returning to the golf cart, a fresh perfumed tissue was brought into play. We laughed ourselves silly before head- ing home. The first stop scheduled for the next day was a dental appointment at 10 AM. Robotica logged each of my recorded appointments into her memory bank for future reference as called for. She set three alarm clocks to go off at the same time so I could get to my appointment on time. It worked! On the way from my dentist’s office, it was customary to treat the employees with a box- ful of lip-smacking donuts once a month. My accommodating driver offered to take care of this errand. Time was short-lived so I did not peek into the box. What a surprise awaited us. The box was filled with celery sticks, baby car- rots, green pepper wedges, cauliflower pieces, cherry tomatoes and a large container of ranch dressing dip. It was a delightful change from the donut routine. Robotica was also delight- ed. Her appetite for creating funny shenani- gans was immense.” THE WRITERS TWO CENTS WORTH “Almost every day Robotica gave Joe an en- tertaining reason to express his happiness by laughing. Remember, it’s not how good or bad you golf, or whether your golf cart is robotic or normal, it’s all about the pleasure you get from either one. Cheers to Franklin who laughed his way to eternity, but not before handing down his beloved Robotica for someone else to share. At this point, as the author, I thought it would be fun to list some of Robotica’s countless pranks you may wish to play on others for amusement. May you smile, laugh and have a happy drive in your golf cart wherever it may be.” Part 3 Continued May 2018 Issue. NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON Golf Cart Chronicles 2 golfcarT chronicles 2 es By Suzy Jam rt The Golf Ca 2 Chronicles of compilation A humorous short stories fing related golf car/gol rt The Golf Ca 2 Chronicles A humorous compilation of golf car/golfing related short stories Suzy James [email protected] www.itsnever2latebooks.com By Suzy James APRIL 2018 33