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The Colebrook Chronicle
Friday, April 28, 2017
Around The Region
Saturday morning, under
sunny skies, the 1st Lennoxville
Scouts held their fifth annual
Lawn and Garden Products Sale
in the parking lot of Clarke and
Sons Feed Store in Lennoxville.
The First Lennoxville Scouts
were hard at work loading grass
seed, mulch, potting soil, bagged
manure and many other garden-
ing supplies at their annual
spring sale. The people were
lined up with their cars, trucks
and trailers waiting to be loaded
with their orders. We spoke with
some organizers and we were
told that more than 608 items
were ordered this year for pick
up that morning. We asked how
many products they offered, and
we were told 25 different ones.
Volunteers were busy taking
orders to people that couldn't
haul their own. The morning was
going smooth as silk. This group
consists of 66 young boys and
girls that were not afraid to get
their hands dirty to raise money
for their troupe. The money
raised will be used for trips,
group activities, supplies and
such throughout the year for the
1st Lennoxville Scouts.
We were told this event could
not be done without the coopera-
tion of Clarke’s Feed Store. They
provide the lifts to move the
products, the location, helpers
and more.
–Corey Bellam
The smell of homemade spa-
ghetti sauce was drifting in the
air in the Sawyerville Catholic
Church Hall this past Saturday
afternoon as the staff and stu-
dents of Sawyerville Elem.
School held their “Spring into
Summer” spaghetti supper.
The doors opened to the public
at 4 p.m. and before long the line
was getting very long for a sup-
per that included spaghetti,
homemade sauce, rolls, salad
and a wide array of sweets for
dessert. The parents took care of
the kitchen and some students
took care of the setting and clear-
ing of the tables. Parents, grand-
parents and friends certainly
turned out for the supper. We
were told 190 folks passed
through the line to support these
students and help raise money
for school trips, school activities
and such. Everyone rolled up