April 2016 Volume 17 • ISSUE 190 | Page 50

Angler: Louis Marron Weight: 1,182 Lbs. Location: Iquique, Chile Date: May 7, 1953 Angler: Tom Dentin Weight: 310 lbs. Location: N/A Date: July 1980 50 April 2016 www.marshandbayou.com I know you're probably not surprised. Swordfish are unique and special in so many ways. They are in a family all by themselves. Their mouths are like butter so it is very easy to pull the hooks. Often we will hook a swordfish on the bottom in 1500 feet of water and have him come screaming to the surface like a rocket- launching himself 10 feet in the air. We lose a lot of fish on the jump because it's impossible for the angler to keep up and keep tension on the line. So, let's say you got one hooked; on rare occasion, you can get him to the boat fairly quickly if you stay quick on the reel. If the swordfish has time to get his wits about him, you could be in for a battle lasting several hours. Many times I've seen an angler’s face droop when, after seeing the fish almost close enough to gaff, the broadbill decides Best Technique: Drifting he's going back to Baits: Squid, Mullet, Pork Skin Strips the ballroom at 50 Locati