April 2014 April 2014 | Page 21

The cost for the luncheon is $15. Checks should be made payable to SCPP – Luncheon. Reservations can be made by calling 419-355-2251 or email jgeary@ croghan.com. If preferred, reservation forms can be found on the Sandusky County Positive People website at www. sanduskycountypositivepeople.com and mailed to Croghan Colonial Bank, c/o SCPP, 323 Croghan St., Fremont, OH 43420. Be sure to make your reservation today as seating is limited. The luncheon is open to the community. Sandusky County Positive People is a group of community professionals who have come together to further develop themselves as leaders, advance a culture of continuous improvement in the organization and to promote life-long learning and positive living in the community. The organization awards scholarships to graduating seniors who have overcome some kind of serious adversity in their lives and have come out on the other side in a better place. NAMI SSW AFFILIATE SAYS “TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE”! 9TH ANNUAL NAMI WALK IS COMING SOON! Hum an Sandusky County Positive People (SCPP) will hold their next Power Packed Luncheon from 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. Tuesday, April 15 at Our Lady of the Pines, located at 1250 Tiffin St. in Fremont. “My Journey Living With Autism and Living With Purpose” will be the theme of the luncheon. One of SCPP’s 2013 scholarship winners, Tyler Aldrich, will present. 4TH 99U0()ٕ