In Your Own Backyard
Hayes Memorial Garage sale, Sat.,
April 5, 9am-3pm, 1441 Fangboner Rd.
behind YMCA. 2pm is $2.00 bag sale.
Heartbeat/Hope Medical Pregnancy
Support Center will hold an Annual
“Walk for Life” in Fremont on Saturday,
May 10. Registration begins at 8:30
a.m. at the Heartbeat/Hope Medical
Center at 1209 Oak Harbor Rd, Fremont
with the two-mile noncompetitive walk
beginning at 9 a.m. For registration log
on to the website or call 419-334-9079.
The next Sandusky County Prostate
Cancer Support Group (previously
known as Man to Man) meeting will
be held Wednesday, April 30th at 7
p.m. in the Chestnut Cafe at Fremont
Memorial Hospital. There will be a
guest speaker followed by a time of
private group discussions. Meetings
are free and wives or significant others
are encouraged to attend. Refreshments
will be served. For more information,
contact Beverly Hart RN at 419-5478273 or any one of the Facilitators, Ken
Missler 419-332-4375, Wilson Forney
419-355-8860, Jim Piercefield 419-8983702, Gregg Gerber 419-334-2707.
Birchard Library Book Sale. Members
of the Friends of the library only are
invited to come Wednesday April 16th
from 5--8pm.Please bring your membership card or join that night. The book
sale is open to the public Thursday, April
17th from 10am-8pm, Friday April 18th,
10am-5pm and Saturday April 19th from
9am-1pm with Saturday being a bag day
sale. We supply the bags,you fill them
for $3.00. If you would like to join
the Friends of the Library it is $4 for a
Student/Senior membe