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The Colebrook Chronicle
Friday, April 15, 2016
Around The Region
Margie Woollerton proudly poses with some of the bags of daffodils
ready for delivery as part of “Daffodil Days.” Corey Bellam photo.
Denis Lacharite alongside some of his handmade wooden toys at the East Angus Art and Woodworking
Show. Corey Bellam photo.
Local artists were in the spotlight at the East Angus Art and
Woodworking Show on April 9 and 10. Corey Bellam photo.
During “Daffodil Days,” the
Canadian Cancer Society is asking people to wear a daffodil pin,
or buy daffodils from the many
organizations that are selling
them, to help raise funds for
cancer research. This Canadawide campaign is not only in the
big cities it is in the small towns
too. On Thursday, April 7, which
is the first day of the campaign,
we visited the Lennoxville
United Church where the ladies
were preparing 2,050 packets of
ten flowers each. We entered to
find Bev. Ross and Margie Woollerton hard at work preparing
these tiny yellow flowers for pick
up and delivery. They also sold
us a packet which was taken to
a lady in the hospital. This Daffodil Campaign is the largest
fundraiser that the Canadian
Cancer Society holds. Millions of
dollars are raised to help find a
cure for cancer. This tiny yellow
flower certainly means a lot to
all this time of year.
–Corey Bellam
Saturday, the Chronicle took
in the 5th annual Sherbrooke Pet
Show and National Canine Agility Competition being held at the
Center de Foires in Sherbrooke.
We arrived at around 10 a.m. to
find the line for entry was very
long. When we got into the show
we were amazed in what we saw.
The center was buzzing with
action and a wide array of animals to include dogs, cats, reptiles, colorful birds, snakes,
bunny rabbits and other assorted
critters for all to see.
On one end, the National
Canine Agility Competition was
going on with the dogs giving it
their all. On the other end was
the Aqua-Dogs diving competition, where the dogs jump into a
pool and see who can go further.
Those dogs both big and not-sobig run along and dive into the
pool to get their toy. They really
fly–the crowd gets a bath, too.
Then it was time to go check
out the many booths filled with
many breeds of dogs, cats and
more. We even came upon a Pet
Ambulance that is used to rescue
hurt animals due to fires, floods,
and all sorts of things. That
vehicle is equipped for anything
that comes up. They were harnessing up little boys and girls
and lifting them up to rescue a
stuffed animal. We walked
around visiting with all and
learning as we went. This is the
5th edition of this event and it is
growing every year.
–Corey Bellam
This past Saturday while out
and about, we stopped in at the
(Continued on page 16)
Gerard Tardif, at right, with some of his handmade wooden bowls and wine glasses. Corey Bellam photo.
Jocelyn Huppe with his creations, including colorful cutting boards and mirrors designed with butterflies
in them. Corey Bellam photo.