Tim Chey: David’s faith in God.
Faith Filled Family: I read this project took about
11 years to make. Why did it take so long to bring
to fruition?
Tim Chey: It’s always financing. Now is the most
amazing time ever to make faith-based movies. I
don’t know a single hard-core one that has failed
– but they must be made well and have a huge
heart for the Gospel. I don’t buy the argument
that you shouldn’t make “preachy” movies. Paul
said, ‘…woe is me if I don’t preach the Gospel.’
(1 Corin. 9:16). So we can have both lukewarm,
culture-loving Christian movies, and we can have
hard-core, super-preachy Gospel movies –
who cares? Maybe the devil!
said, ‘if they hated me, they will hate you.’ (John
15:18 paraphrased).
Faith Filled Family: What would you say to young
film director hopefuls who want to be behind the
camera someday?
Tim Chey: Just don’t listen to these professors
who teach the demonic doctrine of not preaching
the Gospel in films. It comes from the devil’s lips
himself. They honor
‘X-Men’ more than a
film that has a heart for God and is obeying the
Great Commission. They don’t care that our films
have brought many to salvation. It doesn’t wash
with them because they’re not really ‘one of us.’
They will stand
before a real God someday
and I truly believe God will spit them out of His
mouth forever. We will not see lukewarm Christians
Faith Filled Family: What do you hope viewers in Heaven – at least that’s my theology. I could be
will leave the movie theaters believing, even if wrong – I hope I’m wrong.
they’re not believers?
Tim Chey: (I hope) to plant seeds of God in them. Mr. Chey is encouraging us to take courage and
not timidly refuse to take a stand for God. We
Faith Filled Family: What other projects involving need not be a giant to do this. Goliath had no
God’s Word would you like to see on film? Are problem being fearless having stood nine feet
there future works you can share?
tall and weighing in at somewhere around 300 to
Tim Chey: Yes, tons of projects in development – 400 pounds. He was a giant and no soldier in his
but guided only by the Holy Spirit.
right mind was coming anywhere near him. Enter
David. David was not a soldier, at least not in the
Faith Filled Family: What a career change! You traditional sense. He had not been inducted into
went from entertainment lawyer to screenwriter the army, and had not been sworn in. He had not
and film director. What is it about film that drew attended boot camp, or trained extensively on how
you in and made you want to be the one behind to fight giants. However, David was a young man
the camera?
of great strength – God-given strength. Not only
Tim Chey: ( I ) never wanted to practice law. was he physically and impressively strong to be
But I still do as a pro-bono lawyer. Our rights to a young man his size, but he was strong in spirit.
profess Christ grow dimmer by the day. We need
more Christian lawyers to combat this evil minority Sure, Goliath had height and strength that no
of anti-Christians who are seeping into every average man had. But in truth, he was nothing
church, every judge’s seat, every company, every more than a bully. Bullies are only strong because
institution – it’s really eye-opening when you study they are feared. So it is up to us as people of God
to stand in faith believing God is with us. There
are many circumstances that come to challenge
Faith Filled Family: How do you hope the our faith just as Goliath came to challenge David’s.
message of courage and strength in this film will Therefore, we as Believers in these last days are
help Believers everywhere in the world?
faced with a question: Will we choose to face these
Tim Chey: There are too many lukewarm Believers circumstances with faith – or with fear?
to be honest. None would fight Goliath even today.
They’re gutless Christians with no heart or true Thank you, Mr. Chey for taking the time to talk with
faith in God. They’re lemmings trying to be cool Faith Filled Family Magazine. May the Lord richly
and popular. Nowhere in Scripture does it say bless your endeavors to bring glory and honor to
we’re going to be popular. In fact, Jesus Himself His name through film.