countries somewhere mixed in and a little bit of
this and that.
feelings of loneliness and despair. We don’t get
to see that light side of him in the movie that you
spoke about. What we see is he had
t h i s
Faith Filled Family: The actor that portrayed apparent fear of abandonment, or fear of people
your brother, Michael Koch, what did you think of leaving him. What do you attribute that to?
his portrayal of the movie in general? Were you David Mullins: I think some of it, and this is just my
pleased with the result?
opinion, but I think a lot of it came from growing
David Mullins: Yeah, I thought especially for the up where you think, “I don’t fit anywhere. I don’t
story – when you tell a story of somebody’s life you belong anywhere.” So in that feeling of, “I’m
still have to think what was the theme of his life? alone, I don’t want to be alone.” I think it can just
Obviously, a couple of things we were thinking of snowball.
Then for there to be engagements
was trying to grasp the love of God and his pursuit that were broken off and just life circumstances
of God through the father figures in the movie where relationships don’t last. I think real quickly
whether it was my dad, or Morris, or Brennan. For you can learn that there’s nothing here that’s
the story we were telling and the story I think we stable.
started out wanting to tell, I think Michael did a But I also think that’s part of the craving that God
great job.
used to have him keep pursuing God. So do I
I thought he got the angst pretty well. Now if we say, “Oh that was wonderful,” No. But I think he
were telling a story that was more on the light had days where God helped him work through
side of Rich, and the way he joked – one of the it. I think that’s where he wrote songs like “Hold
difficulties was that he was great fun. He laughed Me Jesus.” There are a number of songs that God
and did little things. He would throw his own
used to touch a lot of
people’s hearts that
birthday parties and get on the radio and say, “Hey probably couldn’t have been written had he not felt
this is my address if you want to come, show up that. Does that make it all okay, no, but I think in
at my house.” If we were doing that kind of story, it some ways, yes it does.
would have stretched Michael a whole different
way, but for the story we were telling, Michael
Faith Filled Family: What were your thoughts
did an excellent job.
about him walking away from his fortune? What
do you think your family felt about him making a
Faith Filled Family: Yes, he had his own ability to lot of money and then just deciding to give it up?
play and sing. That was pretty awesome.
David Mullins:I think everybody was like, “Cool.
David Mullins: Yeah, that was one of the things Okay great. If that’s what you feel like you need
that the Schultzs and I talked about a great deal. to do and want to do, awesome.” I would say I
We wanted somebody who was a musician, a think the way my mom handled his estate after he
singer. Because there’s so much music throughout died, his staff would say, “Where did he get that?”
the movie, we didn’t want to get to that and have My mom would say, “That’s his stuff. I don’t want
to say, “Oh, here’s a track of Rich.” Then people it. I don’t want any money that comes in. I want
would say, “Wait, that’s not the same voice.” We to continue to support the kind of things he did.”
didn’t want to have that kind of situation.
There was I’m guessing somewhere between
one million and two million dollars that my mom
Faith Filled Family: I have to say the hair was has given away to various ministries, working with
a little disturbing. I’ve nev