Debra Price:
Passionate About “Daddy” God and
By Koos Stenger
oday, I am meeting with recording artist
and songwriter Debra Price, a young dynamic
musician and a fervent Christian. Blessed with
a beautiful, clear voice, Debra brings a soulful,
upbeat jazzy worship blend of inspiring songs
and it has won her several awards already.
She has recorded different albums and it looks
like Debra, (and her husband, who is also a
gifted musician) is here to stay.
Music is her passion. When she sings she
feels she is fulfilling her destiny. Singing is her
life, and yet there’s more to life than music.
There is still a greater passion than music. Her
greatest passion is Jesus, whom she refers to
as ‘Daddy God’.
Her eyes light up as she talks about Daddy.
Debra Price, with her wavy, half-long hair and
endearing smile, can’t wait to talk about her
two great passions in life: Jesus and music.
“It’s my mission to please my Father,” she
says. “I want to be a good steward over the
gifts, talents and people He trusts me to
encourage. That’s why I sing. Music is uplifting,
encouraging, anointed, soothing and real. It can be a testimony of your life story.”
Debra started singing at a very young age with her siblings, although in those days she wasn’t too
sure about faith and religion, and she only became a real believer later in life.
She smiles and says: “Before I knew Jesus, I was a real mess. I would describe myself as angry,
distrusting, bitter and depressed. No one is a Christian by birth. We all have to give our hearts to
Jesus. It’s the only way. After all, we are all sinners.”
“What made you decide to give your heart fully to Jesus?”
She thinks for awhile. “I really believe that Daddy GOD chose me. Once I started reading the Word
for myself, things started to change. A verse that especially spoke to me was the one in Jeremiah
29:11. It states there that Daddy has thoughts of peace for me and wishes no evil for my life. I
believe the Word of God is inspired by Him. His Word is alive. It changes you.”
“How does it do that?”