THE SESSIONS covering topics important to you
Breakout Sessions
Accelerated Knowledge Sessions
THE SESSIONS covering topics important to you
Breakout Sessions
There is something for everyone – from novice to senior leader – to learn at this conference . Breakout sessions are categorized into four topical tracks below . Attendees can move between tracks to choose the ideal combination of sessions to suit their needs . Visit www . apqc . org / kmconf17 / breakouts for a list of sessions offered .
Discover techniques to safeguard critical knowledge , distribute it throughout your organization , and connect people to colleagues who can help in a moment of need . These sessions will examine a range of collaboration and knowledge transfer approaches , from communities of practice and social networking to formal knowledge capture interviews and wikis . The presenters will discuss their experiences facilitating knowledge retention and sharing , outlining the techniques they have found most effective to prevent knowledge loss , and boost organizational performance .
Key topics include : knowledge transfer approaches , communities of practice , virtual collaboration , and social learning
Learn how to break through traditional knowledge silos and foster a more open , collaborative culture within your organization . Sessions will highlight strategies to overcome resistance to knowledge sharing , identify KM tools and approaches that fit your corporate culture , and embed knowledge sharing so that it becomes an integral part of how people do their jobs . The presenters will also discuss ways to measure and communicate about knowledge management outcomes so that both leaders and rank-and-file employees understand the long-term benefits of investing and participating in KM .
Key topics include : change management , communications and engagement strategies , and creating a knowledge-driven culture
Understand the big picture of knowledge management , from developing or revamping a KM strategy to implementing tools , approaches , and measures of success . Attendees will hear from KM programs at every stage of development , from groups recently emerged from the trenches of initial design and implementation to mature initiatives that have been engaging employees and generating business value for more than a decade . Regardless of each program ’ s level of KM maturity , the presentations will share critical success factors and lessons learned that can help others take their KM efforts to the next level .
Key topics include : designing a KM strategy and business case , putting KM tools and approaches into practice , evolving and sustaining a KM effort , and tracking the health and impact of tools and initiatives
Find out about the latest trends and developments shaping today ’ s knowledgedriven enterprise . These sessions will highlight everything that ’ s cutting edge in KM , from the implications of emerging technologies like cognitive computing to the application of innovative concepts and methodologies . Moving beyond the hype , the presenters will describe the reality of applying new tools and techniques , offering practical advice and real-world examples .
Key topics include : machine learning , artificial intelligence , advanced predictive analytics , and designing innovative KM solutions
Accelerated Knowledge Sessions
You ’ ve experienced a TED Talk , right ? Taken from that same format , our storytellers are given 20-minutes to grab your attention by sharing their narratives , giving you ideas and concepts that will be exciting and memorable .
Sarah Crass Knowledge Management Advisor World Vison International
Suzan Pickels
Knowledge Sharing Lead ConocoPhillips