appnote-brochure-nano-FTIR for Polymers | Page 8

Nanoscale mapping of molecular conformation and orientation in an ultrathin polymer film

nano-FTIR is the only nanoscale hyperspectral imaging ( HSI ) technique that collects true broadband absorption and reflectivity spectra simultaneously at every pixel . Rapid spectra acquisition (> 10 specta / sec ) enables a complete chemical assessment of large sample areas with < 10 nm spatial resolution .
nano-FTIR absorption
C-O-C ||
CH 2
Hyperspectral imaging ( HSI )
Absorption hypercube
1108 cm -1 ν nano-FTIR reflectance
Hyperspectral imaging ( HSI ) Reflectance hypercube y
800 1000 1200 1400 Wavenumber , ν [ cm -1 ]
500 nm ν nano-FTIR HSI enables nanoscale control of biomaterial coatings .
www . attocube . com
K . Walski et al ., J of Col . & Interf . Sci . 2023 , 634 , 209
M . Kral et al ., Colloids Surf . B 2023 , 221 , 112954
Analysis of C-O-C stretching and CH2 wagging bands in the hyperspectral data cubes ( hypercubes ) collected on a thin poly ( ethylen oxide ) film allowed for na- noscale mapping of domains with preferentially vertical ( red areas ) and horizontal ( blue areas ) orientation of molecular chains . Density functional theory further identified the specific conformers in each domain , explaining high performance of the film in preventing the non-specific deposition of biological materials .