1.1 . Preface to Applied geodesy
Applied geodesy encompasses the versatile application of the science of Geodesy .
In world literature , unfortunately , there is no systematization , summarization , structuring and presentation of the problems of Applied Geodesy ( theory and practice ) as a whole , as a separate area of the science of Geodesy . The present monographic work is intended to solve these problems , and in particular those of Engineering Surveying .
The application of Geodesy – Applied Geodesy , is distinguished and defined here by the authors in three aspects ( directions , areas ): engineering – 1 . Engineering Surveying , natural scientific – 2 . Application of Geodesy in Earth Sciences , and other applications – 3 . Non-engineering and natural-scientific aspects of application of Geodesy . The first aspect is treated most multilaterally , it is most widely applied and is with enormous reference literature .
The presentation of the content of matter in these three aspects is foreseen by the authors to be , in accordance with the aspects , in three separate expositions – parts . Part 1 . Engineering Surveying issued in the form of three separate books : Book 1 “ Basics , systems and technologies in Engineering Surveying ”; Book 2 “ Design and implementation of physical and general plans ”; Book 3 “ Construction of linear objects , buildings , facilities , installation of technological equipment . Plans of the built complex objects ”.
Book 2 is published : in digital form , an E-book , by [ http :// Billio . bg ] at the end of 2016 , and in an analogue form – by the Avangard Publ . House , in the beginning of 2017 in a volume of 330 pp . It is distributed in the bookstores of UACEG , UMG , the SEK and Blestyasht Fakel Publ . Houses .
Book 1 is the present edition ( in digital and analogue form ) and Book 3 is prepared for publication also in 2017 . The books are an edition of the Union of Surveyors and Land Managers in Bulgaria . Parts 2 and 3 are still in a project but it is intended to preserve the manner of preparation and form as those of the exposition of the first part .
The text and figures related to the presentation of Applied Geodesy and Engineering Surveying are given here at the beginning of Book 1 , and although they are divided , the exposition , comments and references are treated united .
The authors