Book 3 , Part 1 , Engineering Surveying , Applied Geodesy considers the nature , tasks and role of Engineering Surveying in the design , tracing , construction and operation of specific types of engineering objects – linear objects , buildings , facilities and installation of technological equipment , plans and information systems of the built complex sites , etc .
Due to the versatility of the problems treated and the large volume of the matter discussed , exceeding 1000 computer pages , Book 3 is issued as two books – Book 3.1 and Book 3.2 .
The specificity of geodetic works in the design and construction of linear objects ( roads , railways , main pipelines , etc .) and the facilities along them ( bridges , road junctions , tunnels , also metropolitans , etc . – Book 3.1 , without bridges ) are considered , as well as geodetic works related with methods , technologies , tracing and control measurements during the construction and installation of buildings , facilities ( dams , sport and civil and high-rise structures , etc .) and installation of machines for various purposes , built independently or in complexes of engineering objects , as well as hydro melioration objects and corrections of rivers and floods – Book 3.2 . Further on the composition of plans is presented for the built objects and the cadastre of communications of the complexes of engineering objects and relevant information systems . The exposition here provides first brief specific information about the essence , construction , requirements and legal basis and features of the various objects . So , among other things , up-to-date engineering information and terminology are used and experts speak the same language , even more so that the problems addressed are interdisciplinary ones .
The book is with an original structure . The exposition is in conformity with the accepted way of presentation in Books 1 and 2 of the authors , with the current regulatory framework and the possibilities afforded by modern digital devices , instruments , systems and technologies . It reflects to a significant extent the views , years of research , teaching experience , involvement in the construction and study of deformations of engineering objects , including such with original spatial design solutions , realized with the participation of the authors .
The book is intended for specialists working on construction ( exploration , design , construction , installation ) and operation of various engineering objects and complexes of them , as well as for lecturers , PhD students , students in the area of Architecture , Civil Engineering and Geodesy , etc ., and for practitioners in the field of Engineering Surveying , recommendably with the other two books .
We dedicate to : Natalia Ivanova Mileva – wife and mother
Reviewers :
The authors
1 . Corr . Member Prof . D . Sc . Dr Arch . Atanas Kovachev , Assoc . Prof . Dr . Eng . Veneta Kotseva 2 . Assoc . Prof . Dr . Eng . Todor Kostadinov 3 . Dr Eng . Ivan Kalchev Ivanov
ISBN 978-619-90732-4-7 printed 978-619-90732-5-4 pdf
( ED . № 978-619-90732 )