3.1.4 . Underground and overground street facilities and engineering-technical networks 3.2 . Typical street lines 3.2.1 . General data 3.2.2 . Street axis 3.2.3 . Curb lines 3.2.4 . Street regulation lines 3.2.5 . Construction lines 3.2.6 . Longitudinal street slope 4 . STREET REGULATION AND ITS DESIGN 4.1 . General provisions 4.2 . Regulation of straight street sections 4.2.1 . General 4.2.2 . Specific cases in the regulation design of straight street sections 4.3 . Regulation of curve street sections , can ’ t and lay-bys 4.3.1 . Arc of a circle 4.3.2 . Transitional curves of streets 4.3.3 . Can ’ t and lay-bys of streets in curve street sections . Can ’ t . Lay-bys 4.3.4 . Specific cases in the regulation design of curve street sections 4.3.5 . Principles in the design of axial and street regulation lines 4.4 . STREET NETWORKS 4.4.1 . Schemes of street networks 4.4.2 . Requirements for the design of street networks in the regulation plan 4.5 . Examples of designed street regulation 4.6 . Project for tracing of street regulation 5 . STREET INTERSECTIONS AND JUNCTIONS . PARKING LOTS AND GARAGES 5.1 . STREET INTERSECTIONS 5.1.1 . Definition and general provisions 5.1.2 . Classification and elements 5.1.3 . Visibility 5.1.4 . Rounding of sidewalks 5.1.5 . Example 5.2 . STREET JUNCTIONS 5.2.1 . Definition and general provisions 5.2.2 . Classification of street junctions 5.2.3 . Elements of street junctions 5.2.4 . Basic requirements in the vertical planning of street intersections and junctions 5.2.5 . Examples 5.3 . PARKING LOTS AND GARAGES . CHARACTERISTICS OF SQUARES AND DESIGN OF THEIR REGULATION 1 . Definition and general provisions 2 . Classification of squares 2.1 . Nature and purpose 2.2 . Shape 2.3 . Dimensions of squares 3 . Design of squares in the regulation plan 4 . Examples of square design . DESIGN OF QUARTER REGULATION