The book “ Design and implementation of physical and general plans ” is part of the “ Applied Geodesy ” project of the authors , consisting of two parts : 1 . Engineering Geodesy and 2 . Other Applications of Geodesy ( not engineering applications of geodesy ), both of them treating the comprehensive application of geodesy . The book is actually composite – the second part of 1 . Engineering Geodesy is prepared for printing in the form of 3 books .
The reason to issue this part as a separate digital book is on the one hand the specificity and thematic differentiation of the problems of physical planning and on the other hand – the tradition in its presentation and teaching till now , and most importantly – its wide application and broad circle of specialists working specifically and only in this area . And last but not least , its separate edition will make it more accessible for use . Its realization by means of the modern possibilities of digital publishing and use , including by mobile devices , is also very favorable .
Along with this , there is planned , direct and inevitable connection of the material treated herein with the other parts – books of Engineering Geodesy . These are the fundamentals of Engineering Geodesy , basics and principles related to tracing , investigation of deformations , cadastre and information systems , etc . Also – specific problems related to construction – design , tracing and monitoring during the construction and assembly of various types of engineering objects , built in ( or mostly in ) the settlements and industrial and other complexes . This determines the inclusion of this book further on in a unified digital edition as 1 . Engineering Geodesy . Actually , as already mentioned , it has been originally included as an integral part of it . Therefore the whole numbering of titles , figures and tables , etc ., is an indivisible part – an element of 1 . Engineering Geodesy .
In the literature dedicated to physical planning , focused at regulation plans , general plans , vertical planning and the geodetic aspects of their design and implementation , there are practically few fundamental works and some of them are relatively outdated in terms of – legislation , technologies of development and application . All of them , along with the current legislative basis , and many others , of course , have found reflection in the proposed work .
The book contains many examples from practice , including from real projects , fragments of them , together with the symbols used . It has to be noted that regardless of the existing Regulation No 8 from 2001 [ 28 ] there are differences in the symbols applied . There are also differences between the symbols for settlements and industrial enterprises , airports and other complex objects for one and the same type of objects . The difference is also enhanced by the fact that the available symbols in the Regulation for symbols in general plans are not intended for automated drawing and software designers develop and use new symbols . New updating and unification of the symbols for physical planning are necessary . Obviously alteration and unification of symbols should be introduced in order to use them throughout the country and in the different types of physical and general plans , as well as bring them to a form suitable for digital design and development of plans .
Maybe this is the place to point out the fact that there are many common aspects of the role of the two sciences – architecture and geodesy , in life and practice . In fact both architecture and geodesy contribute except to solving their own problems also to solve basic problems of other sciences and fields of knowledge and life .
The decimal system of numbering is used in the book . Due to the great number of title levels , for better clarity , certain simplification is applied here by introducing double four-level numbering . It is expressed in the introduction of conventional four-level numbering , and when it has to be exceeded – introducing a new additional four-level numbering where necessary .
The authors acknowledge the gratitude a number of colleagues and professionals for the cooperation and assistance in the preparation and realization of this book .
Sofia , 28.09.2016 , revised 2022 The authors