This current book 4 ( 4.1 ) is a summarized presentation and mainly covers the English part of the complex monograph Applied Geodesy - Part 1 . Engineering Geodesy . Along with that , at the end some explanations are added in it and also a part introducing the monograph , such as reviews and evaluations and reviews . Due to the unconventional huge volume of the complex monograph ( 2870 computer pages ), the number of books – 5 , the type , the content , the exposition , the language , etc . the reader may have difficulties in the overall view and perception of what is presented in the monograph . This is largely avoided with the book 4 ( 4.1 ) - EN and its counterpart 4 ( 4.2 ) – BG available online . The presentation , among other things , aims , along with what has already been which are said , to inform the specialists of a new comprehensive vision of the essence , place , role , structure and detailed content and importance of Engineering Geodesy in the field of knowledge , on the one hand in Applied Geodesy and on the other , its interdisciplinary position in the field of construction , architecture and territorial planning . Along with this , the presentation will make , to a certain extent , the complex monograph more accessible to those interested who mainly use English to a certain extent . Moreover , the complete translation of the complex monograph from Bulgarian to English would again require enormous efforts , work and time . When there is a specific interest from the readers in a certain text from the complex monograph , with Google translate , using the English presentation – book 4 ( 4.1 ) and the digital original of the complex monograph in Bulgarian , already has the possibility of obtaining - translating the relevant text , and with it detailed reliable information in English or another language . Thus , book 4 ( 4.1 ) appears as an essential complementary and facilitating element - a bridge for the reader , when perceiving and using the complex monograph , in addition to the original and in other languages . It also contributes to clarifying the conceptions and views of the authors about the essence , ideas , understandings and the type and manner of presentation of these interdisciplinary fields and areas of science , education and practice . In the presentation , due to its specificity and character , there are inevitably semantic repetitions , repetition of figures and others . We hope that they will not disturb , but will be well understood by the readers . We also hope that the summary presentation of the complex monograph - book 4 ( 4.1 ) and 4 ( 4.2 ) will appear as an indispensable part and will contribute , to a certain extent , to its more successful evaluation and use .
Sofia , 27.03.2023 The authors