2.2 . Control points 2 . 3 . Flying 2.4 . Performance of aerial survey 2.5 . Preparation of data from the shots 2.6 . Direct georeferenced ( coordination ) 2.7 . Aerial triangulation 2.8 . Height model 2.9 . Creating orthophotoshots 3 . AERIAL TRIANGULATION ACCORDING ON PROJECTION CENTERS AND
ULTRACAMD DIGITAL CAMERA 3.1 . General principles 3.2 . DGNSS - BULiPOS 3 . 3 . Adjustment of the block for aerial triangulation 3.4 . Results and accuracy 3.5 . Inferences and conclusions 4 . OBLIQUE AERIAL PHOTOS . PICTOMETRY – ESSENCE AND
APPLICATIONS 4.1 . Essence 4.2 . Application 5 . UNMANNED AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 5.1 . General information 5.2 . UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES AND PERFORMANCE OF SHOOTING 5.3 . Photo processing 5.3.1 . Automatic aerial triangulation 5.3.2 . Block adjustment of ray bundles 5.3.3 . Calculation of a point cloud 5.3.4 . Generation of an orthophoto mosaic and a digital surface model 5.4 . Assessment of the possibilities and use of UAV ( Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle ) 6 . References 1.3.35 . AIRBORNE LASER SCANNING 1 . Essence 2 . Principles for performing laser scanning 3 . Project and flight plan for airborne scanning 4 . Geodetic basis . Georeferencing 5 . Requirements for laser scanning 6 . Performance of airborne scanning 7 . Software and data processing 8 . Control of laser scanning . Control sections 9 . Data transmission 10 . An airborne laser scanning system TOPEYE – a topographic laser 11 . Laser scanning of underwater relief 12 . Areas of LIDAR application 13 . References . SPECIAL APPLICATIONS OF AIRBORNE TECHNOLOGIES 1 . Three-dimensional models 2 . Geo-server of Blom 3 . IMAGE INTERPRETATION 3.1 . General principles 3.2 . Main features for digital image interpretation