Applied Coaching Research Journal Volume 1 | Page 35

APPLIED COACHING RESEARCH JOURNAL 2018, Vol. 1 • P  hase 2: The delivery phase – coaches delivering high-quality coaching sessions after becoming Level 2 qualified in Phase 1. The evaluation focused on five coaches who experienced a range of outcomes as they progressed through these two phases, completing their training in Phase 1 and delivering coaching sessions in Phase 2. The coaching sessions they delivered in Phase 2 led to outcomes for 32 participants and the three organisations the sessions were delivered on behalf of. Therefore coaches, participants and organisations were the three key stakeholder groups included in the evaluation. The outcomes identified and valued for each group occurred as a result of the activities they experienced during Phase 1 and Phase 2. In total, 31 individuals who directly experienced the activities delivered during Phases 1 and 2 were consulted throughout the evaluation. Inputs The total cost of developing five coaches during Phase 1 and the coaching sessions they delivered during Phase 2 was £30,852.57. This included the cost of the qualification for each individual, significant time investments from their project coordinators (the individuals from their organisations responsible for supporting them throughout the qualification and finding coaching opportunities), mentoring costs and facility costs for the coaching sessions they delivered. Outcomes The evaluation identified a number of important outcomes for the three key stakeholder groups. Volunteer Wannab coaches ee also developed the ability to coaches... deliver/lead high-quality coaching sessions. This led this way! to them securing sustainable part-time employment in a volunteer coaching role, which in turn led to them securing employment in a paid non-coaching role (retail-based). In Phase 2, coaches’ confidence and self-esteem increased from delivering sessions. Their career prospects also improved, and this increased their desire to progress and continue learning/working (ie enhanced their aspirations). • Participants Participants who attended the coaching sessions delivered by the coaches in Phase 2 got fitter, healthier and better at sport. Their confidence and self-esteem increased, and this led to them exhibiting more positive attitudes and behaviours towards sport and physical activity. • Organisations The organisations the coaches delivered coaching sessions on behalf of in Phase 2 experienced an outcome of increased access to more potential coaching employees. (This resulted in cost savings generated by people being inspired/recommended to enquire about a coaching position by the coach.) Overall The outcomes identified for the three stakeholder groups align to the five key outcomes in the government’s new sport strategy, Sporting Future: A New Strategy for an Active Nation. When projected forwards over a five-year period, after taking into account the discount rate and drop-off, the total present value of the outcomes identified was £92,142.18. • Coaches (two sub-groups – paid and volunteer coaches) During Phase 1, paid coaches developed the ability to deliver/lead high-quality coaching sessions, and this led to them securing sustainable part-time employment in a paid coaching role. StreetGames’ Training Training Centre Academy 35