Applied Coaching Research Journal Volume 1 | Page 26

APPLIED COACHING RESEARCH JOURNAL 2018, Vol. 1 All items: rank order of importance Creating a safe environment for all participants Communicating effectively with people Understanding responsibilities of safeguarding and protecting children and adults at risk Understanding responsibilities in relation to safe coaching practice Establishing a good rapport with people Creating a warm and welcoming environment Understanding participants and their individual needs Adapting sessions to meet specific individual needs Explaining and demonstrating skills and activities Supporting participants to achieve their individual goals 0.5 1.0 Importance for the successful performance of the role 1.5 2.0 2.5 How well they demonstrate it Figure 10: All items – importance for the role and how well they demonstrate it Top 10 priorities for learning and developing Seeking feedback from participants about their experience 0.6 Understanding of behaviour change techniques 0.5 Reviewing and evaluating sessions 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Planning and organising sessions Supporting participants to achieve their individual goals Addressing and resolving problems, complaints or conflict Communicating effectively with people Supporting participants through difficult or stressful times Understanding participants and their individual needs Adapting sessions to meet specific individual needs Figure 11: All items – differences between scores 26 3.0 3.5 4.0