Applied Coaching Research Journal Vol. 6 Research Journal 6 | Page 61

www . ukcoaching . org www . ukcoaching . org Autumn 2018 | Vol . 02
Applied Coaching Research Journal www . ukcoaching . org Spring 2018 | Vol . 01
Applied Coaching Research Journal
Lives Through Coaching
New perspectives on coach learning
Transforming Lives Through Coaching
Demonstrating coaching ’ s impact on individuals , communities and society

We would love your feedback !

This is the sixth Applied Coaching Research Journal , and it would be great to hear your thoughts on the journal so far .
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If you would like to provide feedback on the journal , please complete this short survey : https :// www . surveymonkey . co . uk / r / UKCresearchjournal2020 Alternatively , please email researchteam @ ukcoaching . org
All feedback is welcome .