Applied Coaching Research Journal Vol. 6 Research Journal 6 | Page 54

the pathway felt like a series of distinct stages , rather than a coherent whole . Issues around competing definitions of success and the pressure to ‘ win ’ notwithstanding , much of the discussions revolved around redefining what success means and developing a whole-pathway view of a learners ’ journey .
The contemporary change in pedagogy to one which is more person-centred was noted and welcomed almost universally , and awareness of the ‘ whole person ’ beyond sport was a key theme of discussion . The duty to care and supporting learners to ensure they have a wide set of transferable attributes , skills and qualifications , was seen as a moral imperative .
This paper has drawn out the key characteristics of high-quality learning and development environments . While the focus groups and interviews were wide-ranging and discussions , in places , detailed and encompassing , it is acknowledged that not all issues have been identified or discussed . Further analysis is being undertaken and will be shared in due course , but it is hoped that these findings will prove useful in informing coach development programmes moving forward .
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