Applied Coaching Research Journal Vol. 6 Research Journal 6 | Page 33

practice . The use of CSCC seeks to provide a range of additional ideas and approaches for coaches to trial . The purpose of this article is to explain what they are , the rationale behind their design and use , and to highlight the findings of a pilot study into their impact and future potential .
The cards were designed to promote a collaboration between coach and learner in the practice settings that enhance skill development . Different cards provide a series of session activities which range from decision-making options and constraints to foci for reflective practice . The activities outlined on each card include ideas to provide an appropriately challenging and engaging environment specific to the unique demands of the sport . The concept of this intervention is aligned to the approach taken by the Magic Academy Challenge Cards which also provide a non-linear approach to skill development ( The Magic Academy , 2018 ). Both card systems provide exposure to different environmental situations over time with a variety of opportunities to modify and enhance the learning experience .
The resource has been designed for use across the pathway , spanning paddlers from beginner to elite , and for coaches at all levels of performance as well as coach developers within the Olympic sport of canoe slalom . Part of the rationale for the introduction of the cards is that resources which seek to continuously
improve the coach and coaching should positively influence learning and development for all involved , including athletes .
The cards The CSCC pack contains over 130 cards across four categories . A sample card from each is described below :
1 . Guidance cards Coach hints : What did you notice when …? What happens if …? Tell me …
2 . Paddler challenge On the back foot : Start each course from a challenging position .
3 . Coach challenge Mirror , mirror : Ask your group to coach you to learn a new skill . They must coach you in the style they think you coach them . ( see figure below in which this cards look and feel is evident )
4 . Connect challenge All ears : Ask a colleague to observe a meeting through listening only . Discuss what they noticed .
Further examples of the CSCC activity suggestions are highlighted within the research methodology and discussion .