Applied Coaching Research Journal Research Journal 3 | Page 5

APPLIED COACHING RESEARCH JOURNAL 2019, Vol. 3 Louisa Arnold Coaching Lead, Kent Sport Louisa is the Coaching Lead for Kent Sport, a county sports partnership (CSP) in the South East. Prior to starting the role in 2010 she worked in a variety of sports development environments including school sport and local authorities, developing coaching and participation initiatives. As the Regional Lead for a female coaching project (Project 500: More Women, Better Coaching), Louisa has seen how research can not only demonstrate impact but also inform future work and support funding applications. In both roles as a sports development professional and a volunteer netball coach, Louisa finds research most valuable when it is clear, concise and practical. Professor Ben Oakley Professor, The Open University Ben is a Professor at The Open University where he established their online and distance learning sport and coaching programmes in 2007. His role is primarily as an academic writer and creator of online films, audio and study material that explains sport, coaching, practice and theory in ways which engage diverse audiences. He has edited and written a number of books, articles and free online material. Before working in higher education he was Olympic coach for the then new sport of windsurfing, employed by the national governing body to develop athletes, coaches and club competition. 5